These here are very clean rememdies for getting weed out of your system. As always clean isn't always the favored practice. People are wound to go for more faster route. No evil there! its just human nature.
Here it goes!
For detoxing yourself of any kind of poison, increasing your fluid intake, water preferably, is the first of many steps. But be careful there, people do suffer from water poisoning so mind your intake; 10 - 15oz of water hourly should be right on the mark.
Like i implied water is a potent dilutor so if you wnat to drink a lot of water as your only hand on the poker
table of drug tests, then be mindful not to drink too much jst before a test because it could result in diluted samples and subsequently a retake. To avoid a retake change the dose above to a 2 hourly intake.
Work out! Work the fats right out. Any time that will get your muscles burning is what am talking about. The most effective exercise are cardiovascular ones. Work your muscles, burn the cells and down comes the THC in the system. Get one of all these extreme workout out there and keep at it steady for a week or two, and depending on how many you've got in you, you could be clean in no time.
warning if you got the test in less than 3 days from time DO NOT go the exercise route, you do nto want your urine to be flodded with the same thing you don't want, THC. You can stem teh excess flow of THC by putting an end to the exercises and eating everything fatty around the house.
Diet Pills:
These ones will help speed up your metaboloism and burn the fats quicker.
Magic Aspirin :
According to Jeff Nightbyrd, there is testing industry data that taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you. ". . . aspirin interferes with the Syvia [sic] EMIT assay. It seems that aspirin absorbs at the same wavelength that NAD does which is how it interferes with the assay"
that is quote from a trusty source.... these sources have tested aspirin and found it to interfere with the EMIT.
Cranberry juice:
Taking Gallons of this before a test have been reported to clean the system a bit. I cannot confirm this but just though of adding it.